With the support of Coventry & Warwickshire County Council, we’ve put plans in place to reduce our impact on the environment by installing a BioMass Boiler and a Static Compactor.

What is a BioMass Boiler?

A BioMass boiler can replace oil or gas boilers to heat hot water and radiators. They work by burning wood or pellets and controlling the heat outlay.

How does it help the environment?

As we use a large amount of timber to produce roof trusses, attic trusses and various other timber products. Even though our computers cut the wood with minimal waste, we often have small of-cuts which can’t be used. These usually go to land fill and go to waste, but with the BioMasss boiler they can be reused to heat our premises.

What is a static compactor?

A static compactor crushes plastics and general waste to reduce the amount of space it takes up. Therefore we require less skips and less trips to land fill.

At Nuneaton Roof Truss we’re always looking to improve the impact we have on the environment. As our business uses natural resources we’re eager to minimise our wastage and look at ways to provide a better planet for future generations.

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