Our team is proud to announce that we have officially achieved the FORS Silver accreditation! This is big news for Nuneaton Roof Truss and demonstrates our commitment to exceeding the industry standards.

What Is FORS?

FORS is an accreditation scheme for businesses managing a fleet of vehicles, which aims to raise the level of quality within operations. Receiving a FORS accreditation means our company is demonstrating commitment to managing road risk, reducing environmental impact and improving operational efficiency. All of which improve overall fleet road safety and lessen the wider impacts of freight and fleet operations.

FORS instills a mindset of continual improvement, boasting exemplary levels of safety, efficiency and environmental awareness. The whole process is based around ongoing progression in order to transform businesses into industry leaders in fleet transport.

FORS Silver 2

What Does This Mean for Nuneaton Roof Truss?

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At Nuneaton Roof Truss we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and excellent practice. The FORS Silver proves that we are home to clean, smart, modern fleet vehicles, and highly trained drivers. Our investment into our fleet means we are able to meet all accreditation requirements laid out by the FORS Standard.

Becoming Silver certified has proven that our team is managing all work related road risk (WRRR) – and demonstrates to all of our customers that we are committed to exceeding the industry standard.

Becoming a FORS accredited operator has many benefits, including:

  • Continuing to improve our road safety awareness
  • Improving our fuel efficiency and reducing fuel emissions
  • Constantly adapting our understanding and knowledge of the fleet industry

The FORS accreditation requirements continue to change, develop and adapt in order to keep the industry moving forward – and our team on their toes. This means that Nuneaton Roof Truss is continually progressing and is showing no signs of slowing down. Next up: Gold!

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