The electric vehicle transition has begun and Nuneaton Roof Truss won’t be left behind in the race to a circular economy.
Nuneaton Roof Truss’s commitment to sustainability is second to none. We are committed to obtaining Environmental Product Description (EDP) certification for our products, enabling buyers to see and understand the entire lifecycle of the materials used in their manufacture. On top of that, timber is, of course, a natural and renewable resource and all of ours is sustainably-managed.
As a result, working with Nuneaton Roof Truss truly lowers the embodied energy used in building, as can be seen, for example, in our partnership with Persimmon at Wellington Gate in Oxfordshire. By providing sustainable high quality engineered timber, we reduce the environmental footprint of homes, ensuring that they are sustainable from the inside out.
There is more to business than the end product, though. Normal business processes need to be seen as part of wider energy use and then met with a carbon emissions reduction strategy. That is precisely what we are doing as we are now shifting up a gear with the introduction of electric vehicles to our fleet.
The road ahead
No-one doubts that electric cars are the future. The UK government has committed to a hard deadline of 2030 for ending the sale of new petrol and diesel cars. Alternative drivetrain technologies, such as hydrogen-powered cars which emit only water, may come into focus by then, but today the smart money is betting on electric vehicles (EV) becoming the cars of tomorrow.

Progress is already underway: the first half of 2022 saw the total number of EVs on British roads climb to half a million – and this despite supply chain issues, including a dramatic shortage of semiconductors, slowing car sales. In 2013 there were just 3,500 EVs in the UK, so the rate of change has been rapid.
At Nuneaton Roof Truss, we won’t be left behind. In July 2022, we added two electric vehicle charging points to our premises and more will be added each year. By 2025, our entire fleet will consist of EVs, with fully six company cars switching away from internal combustion engines to electric powertrains.
Where will it end? In the future we expect our deliveries to go electric, too. Indeed, the government has set a 2040 target for zero-emission HGVs, with smaller lorries switching over to zero emissions in 2035. For now, though, we see the addition of EVs to our car fleet as yet another step toward a sustainable, low emissions and, above all, circular economy.