Talented In-House Design Team
We provide 3D visualisations, which our clients find beneficial when working on complex roofs.
Our experienced team of specialist designers will estimate, detail and design from your architectural and engineers drawings.
You can upload and submit your drawings via our Upload Page, or email your project details via: info@nuneatonrooftruss.co.uk We accept PDFs, CAD or DXF files of your build project. If you are able to provide CAD and DXF files, it enables us to import the footprint of your build directly to our design tool.
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Roofing Products
A Fully Accredited & Responsible Company
Delivering High Levels of Sustainability
PEFC Certified
Our wood, wood products, and non-timber forest products have been sourced from sustainably-managed forests and they have been manufactured with due respect for workers’ rights.
Certificate No: BMT-PEFC-0172
View Our Full PEFC Certification
BM Trada Certified
Independently-verified assurance that the wood we use originates from responsibly sourced forests and that the material has been tracked through every stage of the process from forest to end-user.
Certificate No: 3/1868
View Our: TRADA Registration Certificate
Need a Quote?
If you are contacting us regarding a quote for trusses and/or joists please provide as much information as possible for our design team, including:
1: A Site Address – 2: Dimensions/ Drawings – 3: Estimated Delivery Deadline