The nation went into lockdown on the 23rd March in order to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and to help protect the NHS from becoming overwhelmed. It’s been a challenging time for many of us but our key workers and NHS have still continued to selflessly plough on and look after the nation. Members of our team have partners and loved ones working on the front line and at The George Eliot hospital and we’ve seen the amazing work and also the struggles that the NHS have faced during this time of National Pandemic. 

We wanted to play our small part in helping support the NHS and to also say a massive thank you for their tireless work in helping to look after us all. We decided to raise money initially for as it’s a local hospital near our base in Nuneaton and we wanted to help our local community. Yet, we’ve been amazed by the money we’ve raised so we’ve decided to help support a range of hospital trusts.

We created an initiative that every order we received, 2% of the profits were donated to NHS Charities Together. Nuneaton Roof Truss then added an additional 50% of the total amount raised. As an extra incentive to encourage businesses to take part, we also offered to help raise the profile of those businesses that have donated by featuring them in our email campaigns, across our social channels and by displaying their company details on our website.

NRTL NHS Thank You Campaign Video – Created

“As a local company in Nuneaton we wanted to help our community by giving back and supporting the NHS Trust during the pandemic. We have family and friends that work at George Eliot and we’ve seen the selfless work they continue to do and we wanted to show our support and appreciation. We’re proud to have raised £1518.66 for the NHS and want to thank all of the businesses that have been involved in helping to make this happen.” Scott McEwan – Managing Director 

Campaign Breakdown:

Campaign Start: 18th May
£749.60 = First donation
£262.84 = Second donation
£1012.44 = Amount donated during campaign
£506.22 = Additional 50% donated by NRTL
£1518.66 = Grand Total
Campaign End: 3rd July

Keeping our staff and customers safe

To keep our business going during the crisis, our staff safety has been the number one priority. Like many businesses, we’ve furloughed staff in order to keep our staff safe and to minimise the amount of contact they have with each other, whilst still retaining jobs. For those employees that remained in the workplace, we wanted to ensure that the workplace was completely safe to be in by implementing a number of safety measures. We’ve had a range of activity taking place, from tape markings on the floor to ensure social distancing, to one way systems around the workplace and sanitising stations. We’ve also logged the temperatures of our employees everyday as an extra check in place to see if our employees have any COVID-19 symptoms. Our employees safety and well-being is our number one priority and it’s vital at this time that we can play our part in helping to keep each other safe. 

We’ve also been able to keep our customers safe whilst still maintaining orders and delivering a great service. We Are Go – Digital Agency implemented our online quote system as part of our new website (last year), this has ensured customers can still submit enquiries and get quotes online rather than having to meet face to face. We’re proud to be a forward thinking company and using the latest technology to design, manufacture and supply roof trusses. 

This has meant that we’ve still been able to meet a five day turnaround time for our customers despite working through a pandemic. During the pandemic many businesses haven’t been fortunate enough to still meet demand as reduced workforces have meant there have been issues within the supply and production chain. We’re proud of the way our business has operated over the pandemic and we continue to ensure that safety is key for our staff and customers.

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